

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Process

I keep reminding myself that the process of writing shouldn't be rushed, at least not for me. I'm actually not too far behind where I expected to be at this point anyway. I'll be half-way done writing my book about Alexis this week, so I'm going to sit back and read what I've written. I think I'll be happy with it, except for some minor changes. If I feel satisfied as I'm writing, then I shouldn't be disappointed when I read it. This book has every emotion one can think of, including of course romance. I can't imagine writing a book without that! :)

Monday, April 9, 2012

Book Review on Fiction Fascination Blogspot

Sarah's Solace received a terrific review on! I'm loving this blog and encourage everyone to check it out. Thanks, Carly!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thank you!

I just want to say thanks to everyone who has given Sarah's Solace such wonderful reviews! It makes me so happy that you are enjoying the book. I love getting honest feedback, which helps me with my future writing. I'm about half-way done writing my next book, which is a huge stress reliever for me, being able to lose myself completely in the story as I write. It's a great way to end my day! Wish I could do it full time... :)